Hi Everyone, well last night was pretty much the same as every other night this week, no sleep and up all the time :-(. Its really hard cos I am so so tired all of the time now. Today the doctor came and told us we are going to stay on the high dosages of steriods for now and also new one to try and sort out my tummy. I'm getting really bad cramps but I have some hot packs to put on my belly which really helps. I woke up this morning feeling a little bit more perky today than yesterday. Mum read my book 'Alone On A Wide Wide Sea' to me for a while then I had a nap. Yesterday I was so miserable I wasn't interested in doing anything. The teacher Elizabeth came this morning and read me some of my Tracey Beaker book. Then Amanda came and gave me a hand massage while telling me about her trip to Africa. She is going to bring in the pictures as she saw lots of Monkeys. Then Andy from Physio came with a proper heat pack for my belly but we don't know how to use it yet, its huge, he is bringing the instructions back tomorrow so hopefully that will sort me out too! Then I watched Charlie and Chocolate Factory. Also managed to have a shower which was a nightmare!! Then I ate 3 meatballs from a tin which weren't very tasty at all. We got the results of the me versus donor result, its a bit confusing now as it can be now split into two..the percentage of donor is 97% and 92%, which is a bit too much too soon which is why have I have a sick tummy and a rash. My temperature hasn't been up in a while and also my blood pressure is OK today, Mummy says we are turning a corner so lets all hope she is right!! I wasn't that sad today as I kept myself busy, I think thats the secret to stop feeling miserable, just keep busy and have lots of things to do, also the play nurses, physio, the teacher coming all really help taking my mind of my tummy and making the day seem that bit shorter. I'm on lots of transfusions so my alarms are going off all the time, I must drive Anna the nurse mad! Anna has been stuck looking after me for the last few days, she is great though! I spoke to my Nana Bob who told me she has kittens being born in her garden and she doesn't like cats. She has to feed them until the animal place come to pick them up. I bet her dog Beckham doesn't like that. Gaga Byrne in Thailand sorry I was so quick on the phone, I had to go to the toilet and when I have to go I REALLY REALLY have to go! I watched Friends and Mam is going to change the dressing on my line. Am in so much need of a good nites sleep so hopefully I will have one tonight as when I'm tired I get a bit grumpy. Thanks to everyone for all your comments on my blog, they really keep me going. Ms Walshe, I will take you up on your offer of that Naoise cheeky challenge and of course it would have to be something to do with the great and glorious colour (Welcome back from your Hols Gail!) Lots of love Noaise xxx P.S I can't believe I'm here 40 days, well more than forty days...cos I was here for almost two weeks before I even had my transplant, its funny it has gone so quickly xxx
HI Noaise,
ReplyDeleteJust checking in to see how you are doing today. I like the sound of Amandas trip to south africa I'd love to go there. I hope you get a good night sleep tonight.
Hi Naoise
ReplyDeleteYou sound in much better form today and you look better too,sorry to hear the tummy pains are still bothering you. I hope you get a good night sleep tonight, We are grumpy too when we don't get sleep and thats without the tummy pains or anything else so don't feel bad for being grumpy you deserve to be. We love your little miss sunshine top. We had meatballs for dinner today too, but they were really nice, we had 9 kids here for dinner, we kinda tricked mam into bringing home a few extra friends each. It was fun, but mam is dozing on the couch now a bit tired after the day. I'd say you are so looking foward to getting home to see your friends and you will be a real hero when you get home after all you have been through. Well better go now and hope you feel better soon, loved your long blog today, its always great to hear from you.
Isabelle and Sophie
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteWhat Tracy Beaker book are you reading? Because I have all of them I love the Tracy Beaker's books!! It is funny how quickly time has gone!! I would love to go to South Africa to see all the nature and animals!! There is a progamme that was on a week ago but the series ended then it was really good it was called Wild At Heart. It was in African and all about the animals and Leopards Den is the hotel they run its really good!!
I just hope the lions dont eat me!! :) :)
I dont like the meatballs out of a tin but you should try Ikea they are lovely!!! ask your mom to get them for you they are fabulous!!! I read the book Charlie and The Chocolate Factory its a great book you should read it after your Tracy Beaker book if you want!?! Now just if you want to just maybe if your bored and want something to laugh at go on to bebo (if your allowed) and where it says search up at the top of the page type in mid sutton gymnastics display team and click the first one or the one that has a picture of a balance and go on to the page and go down to the videos and there is a video of Lucy and her friend Tia breaking it its called and there are doing a really weird dance kits really funny and they are wearing really big glasses!! He He its really funny!! LOL!!!
Well I am a bit tired (not as tired as one) so I think I might go to bed now!!
Well just let you know as I am sure you all ready do but we are thinking of you and saying prayers.
Love you loads
Ailbhe ( and the Murphys )
Hi Naoise honey,
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear today was a bit better and that you had lots of visitors to make the day go by quicker. I am sorry that your tummy is still upset hope the heat pack soothes it. And hopefully you and your Mummy get a good night sleep tonight.
Lots of Love
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteI'm sure your Mum is right and you are turning a corner. I hope you get a lovely, long nights sleep tonight. Everything is hard to cope with when you've had no sleep and you have more than most to deal with right now! You are the most amazing little girl coping with everything! Glad you were busy today, I know someone who used to fall asleep if he didn't have enough to do - wonder if you could be related, ha ha Derek!
I used to love meatballs from a tin - only before I'd ever tasted homemade though.
Here's hoping to a better day tomorrow following a good nights sleep tonight. Codladh samh!!
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I haven't been in touch for awhile. It's awful you are feeling so tired and not able to sleep. Greg(8) says if he didnt get sleep every night, he'd be like a grizzly bear. He's right! I hope your tummy feels better soon. You have so many people visiting you each day like the nurses, teachers and physiotherapist you definately don't have too much time alone but as you say that's good as it keeps your mind busy. Luke (3) has started at long last to behave himself at playschool. He's been there since September! He loves when they get to sing and dance but they do French sometimes with a special teacher and he hates it and tells her to 'stop talking'..oh dear! There is a little boy named Patrick in Luke's class and when it was coming upto St. Patrick's day luke thought it was Patrick's birtday and kept wishing him a happy birthday for almost a week. Must have been annoying for poor Patrick. Ross (11) is doing 'Mama Mia' with his class for the school concert before the summer. It's an all boy school so some boys will have to dress as girls. That should be entertaining! They all like the Abba songs though which is good. I see you are still enjoying episodes of Friends. I loved watching that show too. I hope you get some proper sleep very soon and that your tummy feels a lot better too.
Bye for now.
Lots and lots of love
Margaret, Vincent, Ross, Greg and Luke
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
really hope that your Mummy is right, Naoise, and that you are turning a corner. I am so glad that you have people around you in Newcastle to help keep you occupied and entertained. It's hard to feel good when you haven't had a good night's sleep. I'm bracing myself for this Cheeky Challenge. I'll have EVERYTHING pink on standby!! :)
ReplyDeleteMs Walshe xxx
hi honey im sooooooooooooo happy u feel even a little better all my praying is working i hope.i cant believe uve been there forty days it has gone quiet fast prob not 4u though u poor babe uve been through so much so brave i totally admire u im a huge baby its ridiculos.
ReplyDeletei hope u sleep tonight u so deserve too u must b so tired but just take it slow honey sleep when ever u feel like it.
im glad u had so many visitors today nice to chat to other people .
im sure ul get to go out soon that will b great.
i was just out with chrissy helping her with her driving we had a chat and a giggle shes much better than she thinks.
the tummy cramps r awfull im coeliac and wheat intolorant so the poo and puke situation happens me wen i eat anything by mistake its terrible when u gotta go u really gotta go i totally feel ur pain sister i always find heat pads amazing on my tummy too.
i hope tomor will be better take it day by day honey xxxx
hope u get to watch sum gud films xxxxx aoifeee
oh ps loving the little miss sunshine pinky pjs oh its sooooooooooooooooo ur color.
ReplyDeleteHi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteI'm having bad luck posting my comment today, I've lost 2 of them, so here goes take 3!
Thank you for the lovely long blog today, it's great to hear from you. Your right your results are a little confusing today, but I just liked the bit about turning the corner.
I love Charlie and the Chocolate factory too, you can't beat the classics. Eva and Keelin bought Hairspray after reading on your blog that you like it. It's good, I love the music.
Looking forward to reading your update tonight and hope it has news of a better day today.
Lots of love,
Auntie George
Hi Naoise
ReplyDeleteIm sure your Mum is right about you turning a corner and starting to improve again. Keep fighting Little Miss Sunshine and lots of love to your Mum too. I thinking of you both. Love Eileen xxx
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteIm glad your day was a little bit better. Im sure your Mum is right that your turning a corner. Im sorry your so tired, i hope you get a good nights sleep tonight. Your right, your results were a bit confusing this time.
I dont like meatballs in a tin either, but i love homemade meatballs. My Phil makes gorgeous meatballs! I love your Little Miss Sunshine top!
Take care honey. Thinking of you all the time.
Lots of love,
Aunty Chrissie x x x
hi Naoise! it's Emma even though my name is coming up as Barbara!!Weird eh! I'm glad that you are feeling a bit brighter today! And i'm sure that with each day you just keep feeling better and better! I hope that your results will be a bit clearer aswell!Meatballs from a tin sounds interesting , i have never had them before! Guess what I ate for my dinner?? An Easter Egg!! My family came to visit me in france and they brought me a twirl easter egg and I couldn't wait until Easter so I opened it tonight! i am so bold! I am just sitting here looking at the other half...I'm gettin quite tempted here! Ok Night night naoise, sleep tight and sweet dreams!! Thinking of you, Emma xxx