Hi all, well last night might have been ok, I only had to get up about 8 times, but then my oxygen levels dropped and caused loads of activity. Lisa was on duty last night and was brilliant. The doctor was called and it was decided first of all to do get a chest x-ray but that showed up all clear. Then around 3:00 they decided that I need some oxygen to help my breathing, so as you can see a very hectic night. Mondays are always very busy here, it’s like everybody returns from their weekend off and are full of energy and keen to do stuff, and do stuff to me. It seemed that all the staff plus Mam and Dad were in my room at one stage. I managed to get back to sleep around 10:30 and slept till about 1:30 with only a couple of distractions. Then Amada came in, no matter how bad I feel I am always able to get up for Amada and Paula. We did some work on my laptop (more of this later), then physiotherapist came in and we did a few excises. Claire, my other physiotherapist had an operation on her knee and is out of action – get well soon. Then I got dad to make my new favourite dinner of fresh salmon, mashed potatoes and parsley sauce on top of it all, it’s pretty wonderful. I ate most of it and then got straight into bed and went asleep for nearly 3 hours. I woke up in time for Friends and my new cool program – hells kitchen, which I’m watching now. So nite nite from Naoise in Newcastle.
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteYou must have got a fright last night, having to get an x-ray at 2 in the morning; I'm sure that's the last thing you felt like doing!
Your dinner sounds really good! I think we'll have that tomorrow, we all love fish in this house, except Keelin but there is left over boiled ham from today so she can have that with her parsley sauce.
Back to school today; the sunny day made it a bit easier on everyone though.
I'm delighted that you got a few hours sleep today, 3 hours in a row is good, you sound cheepier for it! As always best of luck with your nights kip tonight, and we're still loving your blog, it's part of our nightly routine checking how your day is going straight from the horses mouth. NaNa does text us after she talks to you or your Dad but it's not the same, she never tells us what you ate or what your watching!!
Till tomorrow, good night,
love Nina
Hi Naoise
ReplyDeleteThat must have been so scary for you last night, I had to get oxygen once, hated the mask over my face. Sounds like you got two good bouts of sleep today to make up for it, I'm sure you badly needed it.
I haven't seen Hell's Kitchen yet tho I do like Marco Pierre White. Britain's Next Top Model is starting tonight and I had hoped to watch that but I missed it so will have to catch the repeat. We watch America's Next Top Model everday at 6 p.m. on Living, we've even got Oisin into it - he has a great runway walk now, his Daddy is so proud (not!).
I hope there is no drama tonight and you get something approaching a normal nights sleep, 8 times up is still an awful lot. Catch up with you tomorrow Naoise, take care pet.
Lots of love, Paula
Naoise you poor poor pet going through all that scary stuff during the night with oxygen levels dropping and all that activity going on when all you wanted to do im sure was sleep sleep sleep. Well you must be passing it on cause sometimes when I put my head on the pillow all i think about is what you are going through and your poor mam and dad and I find it difficult to go asleep. Please god those stem cells will kick in real soon and do what their meant to do ! I went to the church yesterday and lit a candle for you. Debbie my friend got a special prayer said for you in Lourdes and she has a medal for you which she is going to post.
ReplyDeleteIm watching Hell's Kitchen too - im a bit addicted to it - like you with friends ! Its brill, all that shouting and screaming with Marco and him telling them to shout at each other - I could do that no prob!
I'm delighted Emma is going over to you next week - that should do you the world of good. Please god next week might be the turning point - you will start feeling better and you will get to see your friend.
We were in Cork last week for the Easter Holidays and Cillian decided to take a ride in the elevator (ON HIS OWN !) To say we nearly had a heart attack was an understatment. We caught him on the next floor and not a bother on him. When we got over the shock we found it quite funny. The people waiting on the lift nearly died when they saw him toddling out on his own.
We are taking a foreign student through St. Pats School. His name is Philip and he is from Belgium. He arrives Sun and goes home on Thurs. David will have the opportunity to go to Belgium next year but I would prefer for him to wait until he is older but David is keen to go and Matt thinks it would be ok ? We will wait and see - think I might win this one.
Well I better sign off here Naoise. Sorry I don't write too often on your blog but I read it every day (we all love it) I ring your mam to find out how you are doing.
Well big hugs and kisses to you - you are never out of my mind and everybody is asking for you and all rooting for ya !
Lots and lots of love and good luck .
Nuala, Matt, David Sean and baby Cillian xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteWell that was certainly a hectic night. All systems go in the middle of the night for you. Thank goodness you got a few hours sleep during the day to try and make up for it. Hopefully tonight will be much quieter. Your dinner sounds delicious I must say. Your Dad is a bit of a Chef I think. I wonder how he would do on 'Hells Kitchen'? Ross Greg and Luke went back to school today after Midterm. Well, it was playschool for Luke. He wasn't happy about it and complained all the way to the door. He cheered up once he got in though as they had a bouncy castle today. Sleep well Noaoise tonight. We are all thinking about you and wishing you well.
Nite Nite for now.
Love Always,
Margaret Vincent Ross Greg and Luke
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
Hi, Naoise, That was a scary night but today seemed a bit better. Your dinner sounded scrummy - you have a really good chef!
ReplyDeleteHope tonight is a better night for you and your mam & dad.Thinking of you all the time.
Lots of love, Patricia & Niall.
hi honey im sooooooosorry i havent been on in ages i was on holiday in dubai it was great.
ReplyDeletei seen the last few days were not good im so sorry babe but ur doing great u really are so good.so the poo situation is still bad u poor thing i know how bad that feels... i hope u got my easter gifts hun hope u liked them just something small.
your dinner sounded yummmmmy hes quiet the chief my god.
i hope u get loads of rest 2nite honey im thinking of u babe nite nite love aoife xxxxxxxx
Hi Naoise
ReplyDeleteGosh, it sounds like you kept everyone on their toes last night. I'm so glad that you have so many people looking out for you and looking after you.
I know that you're a huge fan of Friends and Hell's Kitchen, but if you fancy checking out a bit of a Bollywood movie that's being made in Dublin, you can look at http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.flickr.com%2Fphotos%2Firishpolyglot%2F3456728825%2F
Lots of love and hugs
Ms Walshe
hi Naoise
ReplyDeleteBet your glad last night is over! Sounds like u all had a scary time! Hopefully thats the worst over & from today u begin to feel loads better! We have lots of candles lighting for u!
Can we come for dinner ;-) Salmon is myself & séadnas favourite - especially when someone else cooks it!!
Séadna is home from school 2day as she is not very well - I'm working at home so she has to amuse herself but she is getting bored already!
Anyway take care - hope yourself & yr mum & dad get a great nights sleep 2night!
Luv maggie & séadna xxx
Oh you poor pet Naoise - what a horrible night. I keep hoping and praying that tomorrow will be better for you and you know what - one of these days it will. Emma seems to be as excited as you about her visit so I bet that will really cheer you up and make you feel better. Hope you have a better night tonight (and also your Mum & Dad!) thinking of you all the time Love Eileen xxxx
ReplyDeleteHi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteIm so sorry you had such a horrible night, you poor pet. That must of been so scary for you. Im glad u got a few hours sleep. I hope you get a few more hours slepp tonight.
Naoise i had pretty much the same dinner as you last night! I made haddock potatoes and loads of parsley sauce, it was gorgeous! Tonihgt i am making spagetti bolgnaise for dinner!
I have never seen Hells kitchen, i must watch it. Do u ever watch Americas next top model? Im going to start watching the english one. I was watching Friends on Saturday and it was the one where all the girls wear the wedding dresses, it was so funny! Thats Paulas favourite episode, i think its mine now too.
Take care. Miss you so much.
Lots of love,
Aunty Chrissie x x x