Hello Everyone, Today I feel a bit better and guess what - I haven't been sick yet. I felt like I was going to a zillion times today but I didn't!! BUT I've just eaten two pancakes so I think I might but it was sooo worth it! Also the big news of today is my white cells which have been zero since my transplant are now 0.1 so they are going in the right direction!! The doctors have taken me off some of my pain medicine that was making me very sleepy so I'm a bit perkier today. I wasn't well enough for the teacher or the physio. Amanda the play nurse came in and shaved the bit of hair I had left. I really think its much better this way. Mummy says I look like Sinead O' Connor only prettier..! My head was really cold at first so I wore a hat, then it got too hot so I took it off. I played my hangman game today but I've lost all the 'f' letters so I couldn't do Westlife! I missed the clown doctors, I was fast asleep when they came!! Will hopefully see them next week! Everyone is guessing Ant & Dec for the famous visitors... and they are wrong... Guess again.. !! I'm really tired tonight and might have an early night. I was really really looking forward to a rare steak when I get home but nurse told me when I'm allowed meat it has to be really well cooked :-( Check out my before and after pictures... talk soon love Naoise xxx Oh and thanks to everyone for their emails.. as soon as I'm well enough I will answer them...!! Mummy reads them out to me everyday xxx
Hi Naoise – we’ve been having techie problems posting our comments so I hope this goes tonight. I’ve been saving all my other posts that I couldn’t send so I’ll merge them into one to give you one long post to read!
ReplyDeleteThat’s BRILLIANT news about your white blood cells & we’ll keep praying for it to get better & better each day. Your Mum is right – you’re an even prettier version of Sinead O’Connor & you look beautiful in your photos today. That’s great too that you didn’t get sick today, but the feeling like you are going to get sick is also a horrible feeling so I hope that starts to go away soon too.
We’ve just had our pancakes here (the frying pan & I are worn out from cooking!) and I think there are a few sick tummies here from some pancake overeating! With your new cravings, I hope you didn’t crave a mix of pancakes WITH your tuna & sweetcorn mix ;-)
I’m glad the physio is going well. You are really showing that special “Naoise-strength” to be working hard on your exercises when you are still feeling so sick & tired. Keep it up – we are very proud of you & I hope you get to have a sock-celebration party very soon. Well done on the wobble board too. Cormac was at his physiotherapists last week on the same day the photo of you on your wobble board had been posted. So when they put him on the wobble board they had to stop the exercises while he told them ALL about his cousin Naoise. His physio was very impressed with your progress after such a big ordeal. And that wobble board is not easy...Cormac wobbled quite a bit but when I gave it a try, I wobbled even more (and I have no excuse!).
We're all guessing on the upcoming famous person & it’s getting serious here …we're putting bets on in this house!
** Aisling: Sting & The Police
** Michael: Robbie Williams & Take That
** Jack: Johnny Wilkinson or the whole English rugby team or Westlife
** Caoimhe: Ant & Dec
** Cormac: Fabricio Coloccini or the whole Newcastle football team
** Donncha: Aine (!)
Jack says if it’s the English rugby team, then wear them out on Friday so they are no good for playing Ireland on Saturday!
That was so nice of your Nana to go looking everywhere for custard for you. I bet you could pretend that you wanted a little bit of haggis (yuck!) and just for you she’d trek to Scotland and back to get it for you!
Sleep tight, hope you've a good night. We’re saying lots of prayers for you. Thanks as always for your updates xx Aisling
Hi naoise my BFFFL how are you.I hope you are feeling better .I miss you. you look great in your pictures, your mum will probably show you the party pictures today. lots of love Emma
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteI too couldn’t post on your site the last few days; maybe it was a problem with the site. I wasn’t as clever as Ais to save all our posts, so I lost them all, not that they said anything very interesting.
Today is GaGa’s birthday and we’re meeting him tonight for a pint. Senan keeps asking me when he’s going to blow his candles out, he can’t envisage a birthday without a cake and candles.
It’s Eva’s birthday next Monday and she’s getting very excited. She’s having her whole class up for a disco party, it should be great fun. She is insisting that we make the decorations, so far we’ve made a big banner wishing her a happy birthday, it took Eva and Keelin 2 days to colour it in. She wants a pink DS like yours for her birthday.
You do look very pretty in your pictures. Your food cravings sound crazy. When I was pregnant with Connell I craved oranges and cucumbers at night, it made Darren feel very unhealthy sitting beside me eating crisps and having a beer.
Hopefully you haven’t been sick yet today either, that would just be great if the puking was behind you. And great news about the blood cells and the physio progress.
My guess for Friday’s visitors are; Ant and Dec or Cheryl from girls aloud. They are the only famous people from Newcastle that I can think of that people would like to see visit them in hospital. Your site will crash on Friday from us all logging on to see who the mystery guests are!
Bye for now, take care,
Lots of love,
George, Darren, Eva, Keelin, Senan and Connell
Hooray! Woohoo! Great white cell news! No vomiting! Have my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that the sickly feeling starts to go away very soon.
ReplyDeleteYou look so gorgeous in your picture. You have such a pretty face you could carry off any look!
I'm no good at guessing who you're wonderful Friday visitors are, but I know who ours would be..... YOU! It's not the same without you and your pinkness!
Love and fuschia ;)
Hi Naoise, we also couldn't post yesterday so I saved Sadhbh's message and will post it after mine even though she is at school. It's great to hear that things are going in the right direction for you! I read somewhere that your hair can grow back curly or a different colour, we won't recognise you if you return to Dublin a luscious curly redhead!
ReplyDeleteWe are going out to visit Gaga later to say happy birthday. I'm so glad you got to eat a pancake - we ate quite a few here too! We were really bold and added chocolate and marshmallows. Sadhbh and her Daddy are giving up chocolate and sweets for Lent so no treats for a while.
I'm very curious about Fridays visitors - give us a hint - how excited are you to see them????
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteYou look just like Caitlin with your hair shaved.
Cream and marshmallows on pancakes are yummy.
Missing you loads, from Sadhbh and Oisin and Caitlin
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteI tried to leave you a comment yesterday but it wouldnt work, im so glad its back working today. Thats great that your feeling a little bit better today and that you didnt get sick today. Great news about your white blood cells honey. You look so pretty in your photos. You have such a gorgeous face, you could pull off any look.
I have been thinking a lot about your visitors on Firday, and i cant think who they are! I thought it might of been Ant and Dec but i was wrong! Are you going to give us any more hints?? My Phil thinks it could be a footballer!! Its grandads birthday today, me and Audy bought him a bottle of Whiskey for his birthday!
Take care. Love you loads,
Aunty Chrissie x x
Hi Naoise
ReplyDeleteWow - your Mum is so right about you being a prettier version of Sinead O'Connor. Aren't you so lucky to be able to carry off the look so well. That is great news about your white cells - fingers crossed Naoise that you are on the up!!! Glad you were able to eat the pancakes - I had 3 - one for me and 2 for the baby. Any excuse! Dying to know who is coming on Friday - any clues for us???
Talk soon Love Eileen x
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteGreat to see the white cells going up and the sickness getting a little better too. The new look is "class", you watch .... everyone will be copying you in school !! Maybe your mum should get it done too? !! It would save her a huge amount of time in the mornings and save her a fortune in the hair dressers!!
Keep smiling, you are doing GREAT.
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteGreat news your white cells are on the march and your tummy is a bit better to.We have no pancakes out here just the usual deep fried grasshoppers and ants,they are tasty and full of protein.My brain is wrecked trying to think who celebs are now thats it is not Ant and Dec.Are they Irish you will have to give us a clue.Your Mum is right you are a lot prettier than Sinead OConnor.Love GaGa
Heya Naoise!!
ReplyDeleteIts Ailbhe.
How are you?
Its great I found your blog so now we can keep in touch!!
I have a guess who the special guests might be Westlife!!!???
At the moment I am reading a book called Alone On A Wide Wide Sea BY Micheal Morpurgo
Have you read it??
If you had did you think it was any good??
Well best be off talk to you soon!!
Love you loads thinking of you every day!!
Ailbhe xxxxxxxx
Hi Naoise Glad you are feeling a little better. The Pictures are great and you look great such a stunner. I Know Joe would love to look like that he is always saying he will get his hair cut off every time he goes to the barbers. We all had lots of pancakes yesterday Sean had a record of eleven Joe had six Katelyn and Saoirse had three and even Matthew had some he loved the taste.We think the famous visitors might be Westlife make sure you get lots of photos who ever it is. Will chat soon God Bless take care lots of lovexxxxxxx
ReplyDeletehey naoise,its hannah.
ReplyDeleteeveryone is right.you even look preety with NO hair!!!! ever one in school are all guessing who your visiters are,but we cant figure it out!! we started a diary in school 4 you where every1 will get a chance to write in it and tell you whats happening. we are giving it to u when you get back.so u wont miss out on anything!!!!! oh and when you write in it u get of homework that night!!! bye, wishing u the best,
Hi Naoise
ReplyDeleteI am all excited to know who your visitors are going to be on friday i think they might have a factor link. Gismo, Harveys and beckhams ears stood up when i said i was sendind you a message Great to hear you are improving sending all our love missing you lots Harvey, Gismo, Beckham, n Bob
hi naoise im sooooooooooo happy to hear about ur white blood cells honey all my prayers must be working.
ReplyDeleteu look so beautifull honey way nicer than britney and sinead o connor...x
im glad u ate pancakes oh i ate loads too how yummy are they i had mine with melted choc..mmm.
oh my god im so excited over the special guest im dying to know i cant even guess . i need more clues please give us more...
keep up the good work girlfriend xxxx