Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day +2

Hi All, day 2 was a little better than day 1 – I wasn’t as ill today as I was yesterday. I spent most of the day asleep, only waking up for a short while. I had to have my feeding tube inserted today. It became too difficult for me to eat and drink the amount I was supposed to, especially when my tummy was upset. My dad tried to watch the rugby, but I would wake up and make him change over to Friends, which is much better than rugby. Ant and Deck started a new program this evening. They are from Newcastle and all the nurses love them, I managed to stay awake to watch them. That’s all for now, I think it’s time I went back to sleep. Bye for now. xxx


  1. Hi Naoise.Just a quick hello. Glad to hear your feelin better. Your amazing. Keep it up. *Derek i hope you bought that ballon 4 her:P hahahahahaha* Bye 4 now Naoise. Best of Luck

  2. Hi Naoise
    Wow what an inspiration you are to us all! You really are such a special girl - I bet your Mum & Dad are so proud of you. That was a nice surprise having pink bone marrow! Only the best for you. I hope your tummy starts to feel a bit better and you can eat what you want again. Talk soon Love Eileen x

  3. Hi Naoise,
    you are very brave,get well and come home soon.
    Adrienne,John,Bonne and Ozzy.

  4. Hey Naoise

    Im loving your website its really good

    Me and Lorna are so so so so so glad that your getting better

    we'll see you soon hopefully if everything goes well

    Tomorrow we are starting a new sort-of P:E or GYM but we dont know yet

    really missing you

    Luvin u lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BYE

  5. hi naoise, i love the blog, it is brilliant, just like you. i had a great time today chatting and making the chocolate krispie cakes, i was soooooooo tempted to have a nibble of the melted chocolate!! watch out for those nurses overnight, they'll try to pinch the cakes while you're sleeping!!!!! see you on tuesday when i'm back on duty, love paula xxx
