Hi All, so sorry I haven’t updated my blog in a couple of days but I was so so sick and had an horrible time. My anti-sickness drugs have been changed around a bit so that is making me throw up all the time so between that and going to the loo all the time I’ve been very busy. On top of that I got terrible pains in my belly so the X ray lady came and took an x-ray of my chest cos the doc thought I might have pneumonia but that is was clear so it turns out I have somehow pulled a muscle mostly likely from getting sick all the time :-(. Also I’ve had to have oxegen for the last two nights so that doesn’t help me sleep either. After all that business I finally agreed to have some morphine, a little bit and first and now a big bit, it has worked and now I’m comfortable and chilled out again. I also was getting terrible spasms in my legs and back which is a side effect from one of my drugs called Ambersol and I’m not getting them so much anymore now either. I haven’t really being up to doing anything lately, Amanda has come in for chats and we’re in the middle of make a pencil case. Susan is coming today and Paula is back today too. I am off my drug that I can’t eat or drink on Yay!, although I haven’t felt like eating much yet. I think I might be sleeping a lot more now on morphine as I get it every four hours which is a good thing although I really want to stay awake for the play nurse to come. My blood counts are not bad today, I don’t need a blood transfusion but I do need platelets. Last night I hardly need to go to the loo at all BUT was up all night throwing up…. When will all this stop!! Soon I hope. Will update you later on on how today goes. Love Naoise xxx
Day +83
Well I woke up not feeling too bad this morning, had some Morphine and fell back asleep. Susan came at 11.00 but I was asleep. She came again when I woke up and we coloured in our porcelain plates, after that I listening to Westlife and chatted to Bettany who has been looking after me this week. Then Mary the Doctor came just as I was getting sick, she said that we couldn’t have that so she called in another doctor who is a specialists with sickness. She came into see me for a long time this afternoon and she was really nice. She is trying to figure out how we can get rid of my spasm pains too. So we have a new plan of action now. My tummy is full of bile which I keep throwing up so she said I should take this medicine which pushes all the bile out while I’m on the loo. My belly is pressing on my lungs which is why I need to have oxegen. If this doesn’t work I will have to have a tube put in my nose again and my belly drained….so not looking forward to that!! Now for the good news is, my rash is still gone, my swelling is not so bad, my blood counts today are platelets 37 (need another transfusion), White count 1.6 and neutraphils are 1.03 so they are going up a bit! I didn’t need a blood transfusion today and I haven’t been to the loo as much as I have been going. Paula came in for the big chat with the doctor and when the doc went Paula and I made a card for Cath. Cath is one of the nurses who looked after me a lot in the beginning, she is so nice but she is leaving today :-(. Paula and I made her a necklace and a card. We tricked her into coming into my room by saying we needed a drugs checked. We gave her her pressies and she started crying which started mummy off so I was stuck in a room with to cry babies :-)!! Best of Luck Cath and those neo natal babies are so lucky to have you looking after them now.!! Best be off now cos I missed the 6 o clock friends so gonna catch the 8 o clock ones..xxxx P.S Mummy took a picture of me asleep today its not a great look for me xxxxx
Hi Naoise ,
ReplyDeleteIts great to hear all the good news I know its hard to forget the bad news but just try !
Its Lucys communion on Saturday and its really exciting !
I got a really nice pink dress ( your favorite color!! ) with white polka dots !!
My granny who lives in Limerick came up today for the communion and my auntie Maeve who lives in Africa who helps people in Ref U G's ( i dont know how to spell it sorry ) and my other auntie is coming up tomorrow her name is Deirde ! She lives in Tralee !
Well go to go to bed now cause I got a double bed so me and lucy both have to sleep in my bed but its o.k cause lucy doesnt snore like tara !!
Well night night !!
Ailbhe xxxxxxxx
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is you poor thing. it must be horrible for you getting sick so much and up and down to the loo so often. But looking on the bright side, your rash is gone and your bloods are up a bit. Lets hope the new plan that doctors have works for you and will really start to make you feel better.
As usual we are all thinking and praying for you that you will be home soon. Hopefully you have a good nights sleep tonight.
Take care
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you are having such a hard time and I really hope you feel better soon. I am sure you must get so fed up sometimes but at least some of the numbers and tests are going in the right direction. Hopefully soon all the sickness will stop and you will get plenty of sleep. I think you look quite cute asleep actually!!
Take care and lots of love and prayers
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteYou've had a very rough few days, you poor pet. I hope the sick specialist manages to sort out your problems! You've been so brave managing without morphine till now, I'm so glad it's given you some relief.
That was such a nice trick you played on Cath, I can see why both she and your mum were reduced to tears.
We are all well here, Caitlin is bombing around the house now and we've just realised we've no idea where our stair gates went, so everyone is on high alert in case she goes flying out of the bedrooms and tumbling down the stairs. Oisin is very busy planning his birthday party, he turns 4 on the 22nd, if he gets a tenth of what he's looking for he'll be a very lucky boy.
It's lovely to see a picture of you, a real sleeping beauty! it looks like your hair is growing back. I really hope this new plan works out for you, you so deserve a break.
Thinking of you and praying for you all the time. Lots of love, Paula xx
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteYou are having a very hard time the last few days. We are so sorry to hear that. Hopefully all that will calm down very very soon. I'm glad the morphine helped you to be more comfortable and hopefully will help you get more rest. You look so comfy asleep in your bed in the photo. Pretty in pink!
I was out for a walk with Luke today and he was using the buggy some of the time (having a rest) and he said to me 'I think I have travel sickness'. He made me laugh. Imagine having travel sickness only ten mins from home sitting in a buggy! He must have heard it on t.v. I think.
Greg is practising his songs for his upcoming school concert as part of his homework this week. They are doing 'Mary Poppins'. Greg is one of the chimney sweeps. They have a dance routine also. He is loving it all.
We all hope you get some rest, feel more comfortable and less sick very soon Naoise.
We think of you and pray for you everyday.
Keep smiling kiddo.
Lots and lots of love
Margaret Vincent Ross Greg and Luke
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you decided to take a little bit of morphine, you have been far too brave, take it while it's going! My God you really have had a rough time of it as of late. I'm sure you are just dying for your turn of luck and it will happen and very soon we hope.
That's really sad that Cath is leaving, I can see why all the tears, when somebody shares such intense times with you they become so significant. I'm sure you'll never forget all your team of carers over there for ever and ever.
All is well here. We are christening Connell on Sunday, it's a real pity you won't be here. We have a special prayer in the christening ceremony for you and your road to recovery. We'll all be thinhing about you because you as always will be soo soo missed.
Eva is in a musical on sunday night, it's called 'That's Entertainment' and it's songs and dances from all the musicals. She's doing songs from Oliver and she is in 2 songs from Hairspray. Her costume for Hairspray is lovely, you'd love it, head to toe in pink.
I hope the doc's sort out that tum of yours and the weekend is a little more comfy for you. You're in our thoughts all the time. Would just love to give you a big hug.
lots of love,
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteYou have had such a rough few days, you poor pet. Im so sorry your having such a hard time, getting sick and going to the loo so much. I really hope it all stops soon.
Im glad you took a bit of morphine, i hope it helps you with the pain.
That was a lovely trick you did on Cath, that was so nice of you to make her a present. Thats so sad that Cath is leaving, i can understand why Cath and your Mummy were crying.
That is a lovely photo of you sleeping Naoise. Its Connells christianey on Sunday and im making a lasagne for it!
I hope you feel a bit better soon honey. Im always thinking about you honey. I text you this morning, i hope you got it. I miss you so much.
Lots of love,
Chrissie x x x
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. You are the bravest girl i know and we are all so proud of how strong and amazing you are. I am loving all the picures of your beautiful face.
No news over hear, iwent for a run out dun laoigh peir last night and all of a suddden the sky got really dark and mad heavy rain started pouring, i nearly ended up in the sea it was that windy!!! i don't know which is a funnier image me in the sea or me attempting to run!!
Take care pretty girl, talk to you soon.
triona x x x
Hi Naoise love,
ReplyDeleteSo soo sorry to hear that you have been really sick. Im glad at least that you gave in and took the morphine - I would have been on it a long long time ago ! At least you sound like you are a little more comfortable so that in itself is a good thing. I know you are really fed up and who would blame you but apart from your platlets your bloods look like they are going in the right direction at last. Chin up and stay as strong as you can and hopefully this nightmare will be behind you real soon.
Well as ususal we are all rooting for ya and wishing you all the best of luck and lots of love in the world.
Chat soon xxxxxxxxxxxx
Nuala, Matt, David, Sean and Cillian
Hi Naoise,
ReplyDeletesorry to hear that you're not feeling so well. Ellen is making her First Communion tomorrow in St. John's and she will be thinking and praying especially for YOU !!We really hope that you have had a better sleep last night and that your tummy will start to feel much much better.
Lots and lots of love
Ciara, Ellen and Fiona xxxxxx
Hi Naoise
ReplyDeleteYou are having such a rough time and yet you are so positive to talk of the good news in the midst of all the very hard stuff. That's what makes you so so special and really remarkable.
I can imagine you are worn out body and soul and I just wish it would all get better soon for you. I know you must feel so bad at times but stay as special and remarkable as you are because Naoise, you have some inner-strength that we all see everyday in your posts and it will get you through this. Your doctors and nurses must be so proud of you.
Tomorrow we have to divide ourselves in half because I made a little mistake.... I thought my nephew Louis's Holy Communion was today and Connell's christening was tomorrow - but it turns out they are both on tomorrow! So half of us are going to Connell and half to Louis!
I hope tonight is a really really good one & that tomorrow is a better day. You deserve it so much.
Lots of love,
Aisling xx