Monday, May 18, 2009

Day +95

Hi Everyone, well today was a busy and am now shattered. This morning me and mum woke up early and watched Grease. I think I might have dozed off a bit cos I can't really remember much! Mum and me were up about 6 or 7 times during the night, I'm still getting sick even though I have my tube in I am wondering why that is! The occupational therapist came in and we are making our lady bird, we have the body done and will hopefully finish the rest tomorrow. I was so tired after that I fell asleep, Amanda came in at four but I will still fast asleep! She came back at five and I was too tired to do anything so we just had a chat. I've had a few nose bleeds today and my temperature has been high so I haven't been feeling too well at all. Still no results of my biospy yet hopefully tomorrow I will have more news. I am drinking lots of orange and its coming straight back up into my bag its kinda fun to watch! Well tonight we are going to watch Enchanted and have an early night. My rash is back so I have to put my creams back on four times a day which I really really hate :-(. I hope I don't have GVHD again :-(. Sorry I didn't get a chance to log onto Google today to talk to the class but I was a bit groggy. Still haven't had anything to eat but so not hungry at all. I'm still fed up and just want to get out of here. Well thats it for today, talk to you tomorrow. Love Naoise xxx


  1. Hi Naoise, you are soooo brave, just reading about all those medical treatments and they must be awful and exhausting. You are doing a great job. My mam and I read your blog everyday. i miss you lots and cant wait to see you for pizza. its my birthday on Tuesday, I will be 11. Im going to have a black and white party, Im going to dress like Audrey Hepburn, my favourite actress has been raining here non stop and im hoping the sun shines. i will send you photos of the party. i haven't seen Gail or any of the girls in temple street in ages. its funny cause i miss talking to you and the nurses, i would love to go back although I dont want the needle :) i hope you get brilliant results on all your tests and get to sleep the full night really really soon. miss you lots and lots, get well soon. luv joy xxx

  2. Hello my lovely,

    Sorry to hear you have been having such a rough time. Sending you a very gentle (but squishy) hug.

    I just had to leave the ward for a wee while as everyone was laughing at me. One of the nurses was saying that Offaly has the largest telescope in Europe. I must have only been hald listening as I thought he said 'tennis court'. He went on to talk about the new lens that had recently been fitted and how it was all mechanical (quite boring actually!) and I was sitting there wondering why a tennis court would need a lens. Then I asked him and everyone was crying laughing at me. I am blonde. And very embarassed!

    I can't beleive Joy (Audrey Hepburn)is 11 today! I think her black and white party will be very classy (though for you and I all colour-themed parties should be pink).

    Think I shall dash home and make you a pink necklace. Good idea if I do say so myself.



  3. Hey naoise

    Maeve here
    Yesterday the belgrove basketball team 5th class!! We played lots of different matches we came 2nd:( ah well every1 played great
    Gotta go miss u xxxxxxx Maeve

  4. hey naoise.
    hannah here.tomorrow in cass were goin yo the museum,and on the dart!!!! we got our school play parts today.theres no main parts,but enough for and ellen are doing a hip-hop dance!!!!!
    there hasnt been one day in school we havent prayed or talked about,and hope the prayers are working! lots a love hannah
