Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Naoise Book
We are working on a project to convert Naoise blog into a book which we hope will celebrate her life as well as raise a few bob for Temple Street Hospital. Our intention is that the main body of the book would have her blog entries accompanied by the messages that people have left for her.
I want to check if anybody had any objections to their name or message appearing in the book. If somebody wishes to remove any item could they please send me an email at and I will ensure that the relevant message or name is removed.
We hope to have the book ready for Christmas.
Thanks to everybody for their continued support and best wishes.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Naoise's Months Mind
We also wanted to let you know that Naoise's months mind will be held at 10.00 am on Sunday August 2nd in St. Anthony's Church, Clontarf. Hope to see you there.
Michelle & Derek
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Day +138
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Day +137
Naoise’s Mum & Dad
Friday, June 19, 2009
Day +126
Oh, the last big piece of news is that I got a personal letter from Brian Cowen on official government paper. Everybody over hear was very impressed that our Taoiseach took time to send me a letter. So that’s all for now, lets hope that everything returns back to normal real soon. Thanks to Marie for my bag, you are right a lady can never have too many ! and thanks to Ross for my cool dvd – I love it.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Day +121
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day +120
Hi all, a very busy day even by my standards. You know I mentioned yesterday I was talking to the nurses about what I could eat and drink, well here is how it worked out. I woke up about 7 after an ok kind of night (I was up about 4 times) I managed to persuade the nurses that I should have a peach smoothie. When they agreed I got Dad up to make it and good news it stayed down and was lovely. Then it was on to my ice pops, dad made 2 7Up & 2 plain water ice pops and I managed to get most of them down before my cut off time. Then Paula came in and we did some play time which was great as it helped pass the time before the ambulance men came. The other interesting thing that happened was that I got a letter from Brian Cowen wishing me good look. Everybody here was very impressed that I knew the Prime Minster (for our UK followers), his letter is now hanging on my wall. Back to my day, the ambulance crew came at 11:00 and we loaded up and headed of. You can see the video below of my day and of the new hospital. Dad said I was very brave. This was my 5th gut biopsy so I’m kinda of used to the procedure; the worst part is waiting around. Bethany my nurse today was great and brought everything we needed. I brought my laptop and 6 dvds. In the end we started to watch Wild Child and I fell asleep, in fact I slept till it was time to go down to theatre. I had my medicine and off I went fast asleep. I was back in my room in about 90 mins and then we called the ambulance to come home. Usually the ambulance takes ages but this time it was ready for us very quickly in fact too quickly for us, but they waited, which was very nice. We got back to the general hospital about 6:30 (can anybody spot a little flirting in the ambulance on the way back !!). We had a good bit of drugs and things to do because I was off the ward for most of the day. Also my tummy felt funny from all the poking that had happened. We will know the results early next week. I was supposed to have two tubes, one from each nose, but thanks to Sue (here on the ward) she found a new tube, one which had a tube within a tube (or at least that is how I understand it). One of them goes to my tummy and the other goes to my gut which they are going to try passing some small amounts of feed through to see if it helps my gut to improve. When all that was over we watched a very late version of Friends and then it was time for bed. I am very very tired and I hope I’ve a good night’s sleep. Nite nite, thanks to all for your good wishes. Lots of love Naoise.
PS Sorry this took so long, but we only have a 48Kbps internet access so it takes an age to upload picture and videos.Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day + 119
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Day + 118
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Day +117
Monday, June 8, 2009
Day +112 +113 +114 +115 and +116
Enjoy the videos because I had a great time. thanks to all for the brilliant cards and good wishes, my card wall is nearly full. I'm very very tired now so it is nite nite from Naoise in Newcastle.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Day +111
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Day +108, 109 and 110
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day + 105; +106 & +107
On Wednesday I ate some mashed potatoes and gravy, which were lovely. I haven’t fancied anything since then. I continue to be really thirsty and I’m devouring what ever drink is put in front of me. It’s kinda funny because what ever I eat or drink comes back up into the bag at the end of my NG tube so you get to see everything. It’s ok for drinks, but its not great for rise and it’s horrid to see potatoes.
I’ve been working with Paula to create a fruit bowl and a shoe all made out of modeling clay. I’ve made loads of fruit but the best thing is the shoe, it has a very high heel and we painted it pink, with pink ribbons, have a look at the photo (ups I can’t find the camera so I’ll put the photo up when I get a chance).
Both yesterday and today I’ve had a pain in my back and one in my tummy. Each time the doctors have given me some morphine which sends me asleep, so I’m sleeping a lot during the day. Of course we are still watching Friends and have been following Britain’s Got Talent each evening and Dad and I will be watching the final. I’m not sure who I want to win.
My bloods have gone down a little, here are today WCC 1.1 neutraphils 0.79; crp 192. I am on some immune suppression drugs because of my GVHD and that is causing my bloods to drop a little. My rash is improving, a little, still have to do the creams 4 times a day. We are going to start ATG next week, well that’s the plan it will be interesting if it happens.
Lastly just a couple of thanks – Eoin (dad’s work) & his two daughters for my fab card and books. Anne for my first ½ birthday card !!; Julieann for the cards; Paula for my fab pink back scratcher (which I love). Margaret for the card (love the pictures on it). Sorry if I’ve left anybody out. That’s all from Newcastle. Love Naoise.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day +102, 103 and 104
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day =100!!!! + 101
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Day +98
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Day +97
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Day +96
Monday, May 18, 2009
Day +95
Day +94
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Day +92 & +93
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Day +91
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Day +89
Monday, May 11, 2009
Day + 88
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Day +85 and +86
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Day +82, +83 and +84
Hi All, so sorry I haven’t updated my blog in a couple of days but I was so so sick and had an horrible time. My anti-sickness drugs have been changed around a bit so that is making me throw up all the time so between that and going to the loo all the time I’ve been very busy. On top of that I got terrible pains in my belly so the X ray lady came and took an x-ray of my chest cos the doc thought I might have pneumonia but that is was clear so it turns out I have somehow pulled a muscle mostly likely from getting sick all the time :-(. Also I’ve had to have oxegen for the last two nights so that doesn’t help me sleep either. After all that business I finally agreed to have some morphine, a little bit and first and now a big bit, it has worked and now I’m comfortable and chilled out again. I also was getting terrible spasms in my legs and back which is a side effect from one of my drugs called Ambersol and I’m not getting them so much anymore now either. I haven’t really being up to doing anything lately, Amanda has come in for chats and we’re in the middle of make a pencil case. Susan is coming today and Paula is back today too. I am off my drug that I can’t eat or drink on Yay!, although I haven’t felt like eating much yet. I think I might be sleeping a lot more now on morphine as I get it every four hours which is a good thing although I really want to stay awake for the play nurse to come. My blood counts are not bad today, I don’t need a blood transfusion but I do need platelets. Last night I hardly need to go to the loo at all BUT was up all night throwing up…. When will all this stop!! Soon I hope. Will update you later on on how today goes. Love Naoise xxx
Day +83
Well I woke up not feeling too bad this morning, had some Morphine and fell back asleep. Susan came at 11.00 but I was asleep. She came again when I woke up and we coloured in our porcelain plates, after that I listening to Westlife and chatted to Bettany who has been looking after me this week. Then Mary the Doctor came just as I was getting sick, she said that we couldn’t have that so she called in another doctor who is a specialists with sickness. She came into see me for a long time this afternoon and she was really nice. She is trying to figure out how we can get rid of my spasm pains too. So we have a new plan of action now. My tummy is full of bile which I keep throwing up so she said I should take this medicine which pushes all the bile out while I’m on the loo. My belly is pressing on my lungs which is why I need to have oxegen. If this doesn’t work I will have to have a tube put in my nose again and my belly drained….so not looking forward to that!! Now for the good news is, my rash is still gone, my swelling is not so bad, my blood counts today are platelets 37 (need another transfusion), White count 1.6 and neutraphils are 1.03 so they are going up a bit! I didn’t need a blood transfusion today and I haven’t been to the loo as much as I have been going. Paula came in for the big chat with the doctor and when the doc went Paula and I made a card for Cath. Cath is one of the nurses who looked after me a lot in the beginning, she is so nice but she is leaving today :-(. Paula and I made her a necklace and a card. We tricked her into coming into my room by saying we needed a drugs checked. We gave her her pressies and she started crying which started mummy off so I was stuck in a room with to cry babies :-)!! Best of Luck Cath and those neo natal babies are so lucky to have you looking after them now.!! Best be off now cos I missed the 6 o clock friends so gonna catch the 8 o clock ones..xxxx P.S Mummy took a picture of me asleep today its not a great look for me xxxxx
Monday, May 4, 2009
Day +81
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Day +80
Day +79
Friday, May 1, 2009
Day +77 & +78
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Day +76
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Day +74 and +75
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Day +73

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Day +72
Friday, April 24, 2009
Day +70 & +71
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Day +69

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Day +68
Monday, April 20, 2009
Day +67

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Day + 65 and Day +66
Friday, April 17, 2009
Day +64
Day +64
Hi All, unfortunately I had another horrendous night, at one stage I was up every 15 mins. I am absolutely exhausted today and really puffy from all the fluids I am getting. . I didn’t really feel like eating at all today but I tried to eat some brown bread and soup. I had my shower which was very painful on my rash L. Mummy and Daddy are both staying here so they can take turns at getting a rest at night. Today my blood counts are not good again, I’m having another platelet and a blood transfusion today. The doc came this morning and measured my belly which is 74 centimetres because of the fluids I am getting I’m getting rid of quickly enough. I also had really bad pains last night so the doc said I can have a container around my neck with a button on it which has morphine in it and when I get a pain I can press and it will give me some relief. I don’t want it and said that I would have think about it, I really don’t want it cos it will make me sleepy for now I think I would rather the pain! My blood pressure has been going very low too and I have to get it taken now in both arms and sometimes my legs!! On top of everything I am also getting a high temperature during the day and night, nothing seems to be going right now!! I’m still managing to watch friends everyday though. Amanda has been sick this week so no play nurse :-(. Paula is back tomorrow though and is in on Sunday too so looking forward to that. School starts again on Monday but not sure if I’d able for it, we’ll see. Right now we are waiting for the stem cells to do their stuff and make my gut better so fingers and everything else crossed! Thanks for all your comments. Lots of Love Naoise xxx P.S: Mary did the bump come out yet?? Xxx Oh and thanks for the letter Emma it is on my wall!! xxx
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Day +63
Day +62 & morning of +63
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Day +61
Day + 60