Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day +91

Hi all, sorry I didn’t get time to update the blog yesterday I was just too tired yesterday evening. Last night was ok, I was only up about 5 times which isn’t too bad for me, but each time I was up I was sick, which makes it a crap night. Today was a difficult day. I had to have a CT scan in the afternoon and in order for it to work I needed to get a liquid dye. This liquid dye couldn’t go through my central line as it might block it so my choices where to have an NG tube (a tube down your nose into your tummy) or a canulla (a small needle placed directly into your vein). This was a crap choice as I hated both of them, so first thing this morning Anna (my nurse today who is brilliant) had to put this cream which numbs your skin all over my two arms and hands. Then I just had to wait for the doctor. I haven’t had to get a canulla in for years as when I was in Temple Street they used my Portacat, but that had to come out for my central line. Theresa (one of the doctors) came to do the deed. I had to hold dads hand to keep calm, well in fact I had to dig my nails in to dad. But even that wasn’t enough so I just screamed while it was been done. Theresa was great, got it first time. During all this excitement my nana Ruth had arrived over for a visit. After all this stress I went for a sleep. When I woke up I had a chat with nana and we watched some of Hairspray Movie. Them Debbie, the OT lady, came in to finish off some work we started yesterday, this was fun. My CT was scheduled for 14:00 so we went down to the x-ray area. I hate new medical things and I was really worried as I had never had a CT scan before. When I got there I had to have this big needle of dye through my canulla before my scan could start. The CT itself wasn’t too bad. Then we went back to my room where Amanda was waiting to have some play time. By 16:00 when play, doctors, nurses, visitors, CT Scans, canullas, checks & medicines where all over, I was wrecked and so went for a sleep and woke up for the 18:00 edition of Friends. My evening continued to be crap as I was sick quite a lot. Dad and I watched the 2nd Eurovision semi final, which just shows you how good the TV is on a Thursday. That’s all for this evening, the end of a truly crap day. Nite nite, Love Naoise


  1. I'm so sorry you had such a crap day Naoise. I can imagine how scary these procedures are, you are so brave the way you face them all.

    I hope Nana Ruth visiting cheers you up, nice to see a new face. You can tell Nana that we fed Grandad today and will do until she gets back. Years and years ago we went to visit our Nana and left Grandad by himself, he lived on bread, tomatoes and sausages. Nana swears she was scrapping grease off the ceiling after all the sausages he fried. You can ask Nana all about it tomorrow.

    We are off to Cavan tomorrow for Annie's confirmation but will be thinking of you even tho' I won't be able to post.

    I so hope tomorrow is better for you pet! Lots of love, Paula xx

  2. What a day .. I was really wincing reading your description of events and I don't know how you managed to then write it down to tell all of us, you're terrific! How do you do that .. you keep waking up in time for Friends I think my body clock is permanently off because if I was to try and do it I'd wake up the the music .. at the END of the programme! Hope you got some good rest last night and today will be good for you. Colette

  3. Hi Naoise

    I'm so sorry you had such a terrible day. Those canullas are horrible so screaming is perfectly ok. When Cormac had to get them he not only screamed, but kicked and punched as well so he had to be held down by 4 compared to that you were great! He also got that gel stuff to numb his hand and he loved squishing it but somehow he broke the seal and then he must have put his hand to his mouth because the next thing was his tongue was numb!! And that made him scream even more!

    That's lovely for you that Nana is visiting. I know she was really looking forward to seeing you. I hope you have a nice few days together and that seeing her will cheer you up.

    We were in Clontarf last night for Dylans confirmation. After that we called into Gaga and watched the Eurovision Semi finals with him. Most of the songs that I thought would win, did win and most of the ones I wanted to win, didn't win!

    Remember Jack's tadpoles that he got on Easter Sunday from Caoimhe's friends house? Well they are turning into little frogs now with back legs and front legs. We are releasing them back into Katie's pond because we are going on our holidays tomorrow. I think Jack will be a little sad, I think I will be too!

    Better go Naoise, Donncha wants me to watch Peppa Pig with him. Watching Friends with you sounds alot better! I really hope the vomitting stops soon. I think that is one of the worst sick things anyone can have and you have had it for so long. I miss all your weird & wonderful menus too so hopefully you will get back to a better tummy soon.

    Lots of love

  4. Hi Naoise,
    What a bad day you had.I remeber a few year ago when you used to go mad if the nurses wanted to use that cream.Big surprise your nana Ruth coming to see you,i bet that brighted your day a bit ,even though you were having a bad one.I hope the ct shows up the problem ,and they can treat it quickly.
    Love you Lots xoxoxo

  5. Dear naoise
    Sorry to hear you feeling so horrible right now
    It's horrible over here today!!! It's terrible we didn't get in the eurovisison final. I loved our so g did u?? ET CETERA!!!!!! Lalalalala. Well gotta go miss u loads xoxxooxoxoxoxoxoxo Maeve

  6. Hi Naoise, Its such a pity that you had such a terrible day, with all that stuff going on. I hope that your night is a little better and you are not sick. Thinking of you xxxx I watched the Eurovision too, it was a pity Ireland didn't get through. I thought Russia had some great dancers and Greece did well. Bye for now Ailbhe

  7. Hi Naoise,

    Im so sorry you had such a terrible day. You poor pet. Im so sorry your so sick. Id say all those procedures are so scary. Your so brave Naoise the way you deal with everything. I really hope you have a better day tomorrow.

    Thats lovely that Nana is there visiting you. She was really looking forward to going over to see you.

    I am just in Grandads house now, visiting him. We just rang Nana there but she got cut off, i think she has ran out of battery.

    I hope you have a better night and i really hope you have a better day tomorrow. Take care honey. Miss you so much.

    Lots of love,
    Chrissie x x x

  8. Hi Naoise,

    You are great keeping your blog going considering you are soo sick and things just seem so shit right now. I hope you are still reading all our comments. Your days sound very very busy between all the procedures and sickness.

    Well it's saturday morning here, I'm meant to be working but I just had to post to you first. Football was cancelled because of the rain; looks like the Irish summer has started with gusto. Darren has brought them all to Howth to get fish for the dinner, they've gone on the train, I hope they make it back in time for dinner!

    Eva's show was brilliant last week, she danced her heart out to Hairspray 'you can't stop the beat'; I'm sure you know it.

    I hope you enjoy Nana's visit, I know she was very excited about seeing you.

    Hope your enjoying the hospital being a little quiter today, sounds like you could do with the peace, it's been a busy few days for you.

    I know you are sick of everyone telling you, but you are doing absolutely great.

    lots of love
