Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day +44

Hi all, do you know it is over a week since I had a decent nights sleep, you can guess then that I had anther restless night and was up quite a lot. Saturday is very quite here in the hospital; only the nurses, a few doctors and Amada (play nurses). I had some soda bread and turkey for breakfast, the bread was lovely. We watched Rachel Allen ‘bake’ which made Dad & me very hungry. I had a lunch in two halves, firstly I had some pasta and chicken, and then about an hour later I had some home made chips and garlic. All of which was really, really lovely – I’m thinking of food a lot. My steroids are making me very hungry. We then watched a video – the holiday – which was brilliant. After all that excitement it was time for a good nap and Friends. Don’t forget everybody it is Earth Hour tonight at 8:30 and we are going to turn out our lights – like people all over the world. That’s all for today. Lots of love Naoise.


  1. Hi Naoise!!!i sometimes watch Rachel Allen BAKE!aswell.We just turned our lights out aswell and hope everyone else out there like us!!!!Do you ever watch Neven Maguire on RTE1 AT 7:30?i do and it`s brill!!(it`s on on wedensdays by the way.)i love soda bread too!!night,night,

  2. Hi Naoise, I'm being very bold posting during earth hour but I am doing it in the dark, does that get me off the hook? I'm sorry that your still not getting any sleep! At least you seem to be enjoying food again which is good. We went on a bit of a baking spree today, we made a quiche and a plum crumble, yesterday we made fairy cakes. Oisin ate all the fairy cakes and Sadhbh ate most of the crumble. I get to do all the washing up.
    It was lovely and sunny today but really cold. I hope you manage to get more rest tonight!

    Take care pet! Love, Paula

  3. Hi Naoise,

    You just reminded me about earth hour, and I was fully intending on switching all lights out. Although I just looked out my window and most of the road have their lights still on. Ah well, I'll just have earth ten minutes and join in for the last 10. Are you watching Ireland playing? I guess not!

    I really hope you sleep tonight. I'm up a lot at night at the moment cause little Connell still feeds a lot at night, and every time he wakes me the first thing I think of is that I hope Naoise is asleep in Newcastle and not on the loo. It must be really hard coping without proper sleep, it can make us tetchy at the best of times never mind on top of what you are already dealing with. You won't forget these few weeks in a hurry.

    Great that your eating a bit.

    I'll check in tomorrow evening and see how your Sunday goes.



  4. Hi Naoise
    We are sitting in the dark too and since we are in the countryside it is pitch dark with no lights from outside. Caoimhe & Cormac were still awake when we turned off all the lights at 8:30pm and they freaked when the hall light went off coz we always leave that on for them! So I've left a torch on outside their bedroom, they seem happy with that!
    I'm glad your appetite is back - will pancakes be back on the menu soon?! But I really hope you get a good nights sleep tonight. Each morning we wake, hoping you have had a good night.
    So good night, sleep tight, sweet dreams....and I hope tomorrow is good to you
    Lots of love, Aisling

  5. Hi Naoise Fantastic you are enjoying that lovely food again sleep is such sweet dreams, it makes us fresh to face another day We are of the city gardens which hugs the Brisbane river its for walking,bikes,roller blades picnic. and the big ferries that take the people up and down river a lovely day with blue skies
    Anne Brisbane Australia

  6. Hi Naoise

    I only got to read about your upcoming trip to the Netherlands today. I've heard that Leyden has a big university where they train doctors, so they must be really up to date with the latest research. I'll be thinking of you especially this week when you head over.

    I think that first class passengers on really long flights get beds, so you REALLY are a VIP now. I wonder what your accent will be like when you get home - with a mixture of Newcastle and Dutch... :p

    I'm glad that you have an appetite these days and are able to enjoy some nice food.

    That glittery bag sounds pretty amazing. I wonder could you supply Brown Thomas with Naoise original designer bags? It would make them sound even fancier that they were imported from somewhere as exotic as Newcastle. And we could give them a French name - I'm sure the girls in the French class would come up with something memorable! You could maybe do a range of sparkly, glittery wallets for men? Would your Dad carry around one of those? I have a PINK sparkly purse, and it's always easy to find it, even when it's at the bottom of my bag :)

    You are so good to have done the Earth hour at the hospital. I was out for dinner in town, and I don't think that the restaurant could have coped without lighting for an hour, so I didn't ask them to switch them off. I have heard that there's a restaurant in France or Germany, that's kept in total darkness and the waiting staff are all blind.

    I really hope that you will get a good night's sleep tonight. Everyone will be feeling a bit sleep-deprived tomorrow with the clocks going forward, so we'll be able to understand a little better how you're feeling.

    Phew, this note is becoming longer than your blog entry!

    Lots of love, best wishes and virtual hugs
    Ms Walshe xxx
