Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day +24

Hello Everyone, today was much better than yesterday. I wasn't half as sad and I also wasn't very sick. I slept OK but woke up at five again!! I had cornflakes for breakie, watched the DVD Legally Blonde 1, we are going to warch Part 2 tomorrow. Then we played Wii fit. I did some skiing and mum jogged, she was ready to collapse afterwards :-)! We played a bit of golf and croquet. Then Paula came and we made bracelets and I ate a bit of chicken for dinner and some noodles for tea. I'm going to have my feed while I'm sleeping. My weight went up a bit today which is great! Then had my shower which I hate! I watched my usual two episodes of Friends and am gonna watching Dancing on Ice. We decided today that I will make one huge invitation to my party on St. Patricks Day and stick it on my door. Everyone that comes to the party has to sing an Irish song or do an Irish dance, we're calling it the I-Factor (Irish Factor). We'll see if any the nurses here in Newcastle have got talent!! The nurse who has been looking after me all day is going to sing When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. I have to get something green to wear so I'm sending Mummy off into town to get me something, along with a long list of the foods I fancy! I got some medicine to boost my blood count and my Neutraphiles are 2.4 today! Talk to you tomorrow.... I still haven't done my


  1. Hi Naoise
    I am glad to hear that you are felling beeter.
    Today it was to cold to go outside and I was stuck inside all day. I do not know you manage it.I wish you luck on the party.
    From Sadhbh

  2. Hello Little Miss Sunshine
    So very glad your feeling better today and your irish eyes are still smiling wish I could come to the St. Patricks party I bet it will be terrific we all love you and miss you loads

  3. Hi Naoise,
    So glad to hear you felt a bit more cheerful today! I love your Little Miss Sunshine t-shirt, matches your lovely big smile!

    If I went to your party I'd have to do a dance, you wouldn't want to hear me sing. On my hen night I was made to sing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (not sure if you know that song but it has some very high notes). I'd only just started and they were all yelling at me to stop.....I'm that bad!

    I've a little rhyme I came across in one of Oisin's story books you might like to share with your teacher the next time you've to do maths:

    Multiplication is vexation
    Division is as bad
    The rule of three perplexes me
    And practice drives me mad

    Night honey, sleep well!

    Lots of love, Paula

  4. hi naoise im so happy u slept better last night i was really hoping u would .
    u look in great form on ur wii doing all the games they look like loads of fun ive never had a go of one how sad is that...
    im loving ur jammys seriously always pink i love it my fav color.
    well tomor im having a handbag swap party in my hair salon and chrissy is comming too think shes going to help me hand out drinks and everyone brings a bag that they no longer want and everyone swaps all for free im really excited.chrissy is looking forward to getting a new bag.
    cant believe u still havent done ur homework u bad ass im just joking..ah do it when u feel up to it.
    so i cant wait to see lots of photos from this st patricks day party u shud make all the nurses paint their faces green white and orange.
    im so happy u had a better day today u look great babe keep up the good work. p.s i bought an easter egg today and ate it i cant help myself they taste soooo good mmmmm u shuld get one it wud make u feel even better.. xxxx sleep well aoifee

  5. Great to hear your feeling better, you look great doing the wii, Tell your mum she needs to get fitter to keep up with you when your better. Love the I-Factor idea would love to come to it. Yesterday we planted trees in the playground in Robswall, they just got anybody who was walking by to do it, we planted 10, can't wait to see them grow, It was freezing though, Ella planted one and then moaned with the cold, we all really just wanted to go into the playground, well best go, on our way to school now. Best of luck, hope you have another good day today.

  6. Hi Naoise,
    Great to hear you are feeling a bit better.Would love to play golf on your Wii.Good news to that you are putting on a bit of weight and your blood is up.Would love to go to your Paddys Day party,hope you take many photos.Myles says hello.Love GaGa oxoxo.

  7. Hi Naoise

    I'm so glad that you are feeling a little better. It seems like AAAAGES since you had a pancake for breakfast, but at least you're getting to eat lots of different types of food. I'm a big fan of noodles :)

    Your Saint Patrick's Day party sounds great. Will you have green food to eat...mmm cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, green jelly, GREEN pancakes? Delicious!!!

    Ms Walshe

  8. hi naoise the party sounds great i hpoe your mam gets you nice clothes in town hope you are feeling well
